Vincenzo Bellini

  • 网络贝里尼;白利尼;温琴佐·贝利尼;家贝利尼
Vincenzo BelliniVincenzo Bellini
  1. Vincenzo Bellini is an important opera composer in the Italian Romantic period of the nineteenth century .


  2. Vincenzo Bellini is one of the representative composers of the Italian romantic opera in the early nineteenth century .


  3. Italian opera composer Vincenzo Bellini ( 1801-1835 ), is the nineteenth century on behalf of the Italian romantic opera composer of one of the .


  4. Vincenzo Bellini ( 1801-1835 ) is the representative of the Italian romantic opera composers in Nineteenth century . His compositions are known for its beautiful contour of the melody .


  5. Chopin joined Franz Liszt , Hector Berlioz , Felix Mendelssohn , Vincenzo Bellini , and Auguste Franchomme , all proponents of the " new " Romantic style .
